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Our most impactful milestones of 2024

In this special edition we look back at 2024 and reflect on our milestones. Together we made it all happen:

  • 2 New Software Products
  • +1200 Educated Professionals
  • +600 CSRD DAY & Award Participants
  • +10 Impact Reports
  • 80+ Successful Projects
  • And so much more!

One-click-IROs & Better Impact Investing

We spotted a need for efficient CSRD compliance and innovated CSRD Suite Software. With a click of a button, it identifies your Impacts, Risks and Opportunities (IROs), while helping you to conduct Double Materiality Assessment. Want to give it a try? Book a demo.

We created a product to make the lives of Impact Investors and Fund Managers easier. The Impact Investor Tool is an advanced cloud software to evaluate and select investing opportunities, and monitor and measure the performance of companies in your portfolio. Learn more.

Impact Institute Software
Impact Institute Impact Reports

Zeeman ‘zuinig’ for nature and ABN AMRO Bank publishes 6th Impact Report

Impact reports are at the heart of Impact Institute’s work. Organisations need insights into their organisational impact based on robust calculations. Two reports we are proud of:

  1. Zeeman TextielSupers wants to be ‘zuinig’ for their customers’ wallets and for nature. We helped Zeeman understand its value chain and calculated its organisational impact, adhering to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. The report was presented at a webinar.
  2. ABN AMRO Bank published its sixth annual impact report. Our Global Impact Database provided invaluable support, enabling ABN AMRO to quantify the impact and pinpoint its origins, presenting valuable insights into areas ripe for improvement.Do you need help with insights into your organisational impact for your annual report? Get in touch.

“The only course that makes CSRD clearer”

The quote from Marlon Kiveron, Director of Sustainability at Otrium about CSRD IN ONE DAY summs it up – CSRD Education is booming.

  • +750 professionals travelled to our classroom in Amsterdam to obtain essential competencies for reporting under the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, in just one day.
  • +470 professionals followed CSRD e-learning and the Double Materiality Assessment e-learning courses at their own pace.
  • To empower professionals even more, we launched the CSRD Academy Platform. You can Explore the platform for free!
  • Use discount code CSRD2024 for your spot in the next CSRD in One Day on January 22nd, 2025.
CSRD Academy Impact

Reshaping the Dutch Banking Sector and the impact of protein sources

Understanding the intricate web of an organisation’s impacts is not for the faint-hearted. Yet, many organisations have impact high on the agenda, kicking off projects to use impact information for positive change. Some projects we are proud of:

  • We captured the value of biodiversity improvement in agroforestry with Acorn Rabobank. The innovative project’s goal is to help restore habitats and improve biodiversity and micro-climates in targeted areas in South America.
  • To reshape the Dutch banking sector, we supported Triodos Bank in understanding the impact of their renewable energy portfolio for their annual report 2023 and advised the bank on how to manage their impact for a fairer and more sustainable society.
  • The response to the publication of the Biodiversity Decision Model – a collaborative effort between Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Alliander, and us at Impact Institute – was so overwhelmingly positive that we made it publicly available
  • We helped ABN AMRO Bank measure the impact of three commonly used consumer goods – smartphones, sofas and sneakers – on biodiversity. We also worked with the ABN AMRO Sustainable Investment Fund (SIF), to present the impact results of the fund expressed in euros.
  • The EU-funded initiative LIKE-A-PRO asked us to shed light on the impacts of the different protein sources consumed by European citizens. We measured, evaluated and compared the impacts of five different conventional proteins. Find out here what the main takeaways so far are!
CSRD DAY + Awards

From Transparency to Transformation on CSRD DAY

‘We are at a crucial crossroads to keep our planet liveable. By moving from transparency to transformation, companies are cashing in on opportunities around climate impact.’ On that note, the first edition of CSRD DAY kicked off on 12 November. The conference was sold out with over 600 participants and was rated with an average score of 8.2! Read the full recap op CSRD DAY 2024 here or watch the recordings here. Stay tuned for upcoming CSRD events.

Royal Philips and Schijvens Corporate Fashion take home CSRD Awards

CSRD DAY 2024 presented the first CSRD Awards – honouring reporting companies for their efforts and showcasing best practices. After the publication of a shortlist before the event, the winners were announced on stage. Royal Philips walked away with the CSRD Award in the category of large company due to its strong sustainability commitments, extensive use of data and assurance on several topics in its 2023 report. In the category SME/other Schijvens Corporate Fashion’s report won, due to the sector’s sensitivity to impact, its full overview of risks in the value chain, circular business practices and its strategic approach. The jury report can be found here.

Spreading Impact, From Paris to Cali

We shared our impeccable knowledge to help organisations manage and improve their impact across the globe. Some highlights:

  • Co-Founder Michel Scholte joined a panel on Rethinking Economic Systems Inside Planetary and Social Boundaries at ChangeNOW in Paris in May. Checkout the top 4 insights here!
  • Our Responsible Value Chain Expert Leanne Heuberger was joined on stage by Henk Hofstede from ABN AMRO Bank at the Sustainable Retail Event in October. The venue was packed with nearly 300 attendees. Key learnings of their session can be found here.
  • In October, at COP 17 in Cali, Mexico, we hosted the session ‘Mainstreaming Biodiversity: Impact Measurement and the Role of the Financial Sector’. Biodiversity was also the theme of our webinar Biodiversity: from Risk to Impact back in February.

Are you keen to have us speak at future events?
Let us know!

Impact Institute Events
Impact Institute Partnerships

Embedding Data and Enhancing Biodiversity Knowledge

This year marked the beginning of new partnerships. Here are some collaborations we are proud of:

  • We kicked off a partnership with Preqin. The partnership embeds Impact Institutes  Global Impact Database (GID) into Preqin ESG Solutions datasets to equip investment professionals with asset-level impact data.
  • To enhance biodiversity knowledge for Financial Institutions we teamed up with  the Partnership Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF). The partnership allows to integrate biodiversity in risk and opportunity assessments and decision–making processes.

A special thanks to Van der Molen E.I.S. and Smart WorkPlaces with whom we organised CSRD DAY and CSRD Awards.

True Price in The New York Times and a free Festival for you to attend!

Our work builds upon the True Price Method, and we closely collaborate with True Price since our founding years. For example, do you know the True Price of Energy? We calculated it for you.

True Price got prestigious media attention in 2024 with an article in De Groene Amsterdammer about the True Price of Groceries (in Dutch) and went international with an article in The New York TimesThe Hidden Environmental Costs of Food.

Want to learn more about true pricing? Come and celebrate sustainable choices with us at the True Price Festival on 28 JanuarySign up here to attend the free festival at Pakhuis de Zwijger.

True Price Celebrations

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