SFDR PAI Proxy Data Solution

SFDR PAI Proxy data: Principal Adverse Impacts Indicators for the EU’s SFDR reporting

EU SFDR: Since 2021, in an effort towards increasing transparency and integrating sustainability risks, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) imposes mandatory ESG disclosure: investors must report quantitatively on Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs) of their portfolios.

Who is affected? Asset managers, EU banks, venture capital funds, and all the other financial market participants (FMP).

The problem: Investors have difficulties finding the necessary data to comply with EU SFDR reporting requirements, as PAI data is often not readily available and difficult to collect.

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Our solution: GID PAI proxy data fills data gaps for an unlimited number of companies, such as SMEs​, non-reporting listed companies​, non-listed companies, and emerging market companies. By using country-sector proxies, the GID top-down approach allows you to collect quantitative PAI data (see table). SFDR PAI is a full data package to comply with the Sustianable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). For more information about sustainability regulations see our Regulations Knowledge Base.

Are you struggling to collect SFDR PAI data?

Our solution: GID PAI proxy data for SFDR reporting

PAI proxy data fills gaps for hard-to find quantitative PAIs

Our SFDR PAI proxy data uses a top-down approach covering the full global economy, allowing you to cover data gaps for an unlimited number of companies, such as SMEs, non-reporting listed companies, non-listed companies, and emerging market companies.

PAI proxy data is available for you to meet SFDR reporting deadlines

Our SFDR PAI proxy data is readily derived from released GID country-sector data, well in time for SFDR deadlines.

PAI proxy data is regularly updated for future reporting

Our active R&D team works with you to find solutions that align with your needs, now and in the future (e.g., client-side data integration).

PAI proxy data covers:

  • 65 sectors
  • 140 countries, spanning across all continents and emerging markets
  • 9100 global sectors
  • 5 mandatory quantitative PAIs
  • 2 non-mandatory quantitative PAIs
SFDR PAI proxy data

Who we help

Selected users and partners

Want to know more about SFDR PAI disclosure?

PAIs consist of a list of sustainability factors that firms need to take into account for their investment policies and decisions. Those indicators relate to environmental and social topics. According to the regulation, asset managers, EU banks, venture capital funds, and all the other financial market participants (FMPs) must disclose on a set of mandatory indicators.

Image of solar panels in a field

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