DSM – Impacts of oatwell®
DSM generates value in the areas of People, Planet, and Profit. However, the company’s growth cannot be sustained if the underlying natural and social capital which it relies upon is depleted or undervalued. DSM carries out pilot studies, assigning an economic value to the positive and negative, environmental and social impacts across the value chain for specific product and market applications.
Project description
The value chain of the OatWell®, including raw material procurement, production, and consumers in the Netherlands.
As part of first pilot study, the social and environmental impacts of OatWell® value chain were assessed and their valuation was explored. This included value creation in the form of health benefits for consumers.
Benefits to the client
The feasibility to monetize the environmental and social impacts of OatWell® from a technical perspective was demonstrated. The result is a comprehensible presentation of combined environmental and social impacts in a recognizable unit that allows comparison with economic costs, and encourages thinking about business models that capture societal value.